An individual can have acute hearing but may have trouble understanding and explaining what they have heard.
An individual can have acute hearing but may have trouble understanding and explaining what they have heard.
Most hidden challenges are the ones we cannot see. We only see how they are trying to cope from the outside. |
How do we know if the problem lies with the message that the ears are receiving or with the brain’s processing?
The first step in identifying APD is to rule out hearing loss. Newborn hearing screening is performed within the first few days after birth. The ENT specialist together with the Audiologist (hearing specialist) will perform detailed full-scale hearing tests. |
How do we know if its Language Learning Difficulty, or CAPD?
Language-based learning disability (LBLD) refers to a spectrum of difficulties related to the understanding and use of spoken and written language. Thus it is not easily diagnosed and evaluated. A team including both audiologists and SLPs is valuable in the diagnosis of CAPD and the identification of language disorders that occur in association with CAPD. |
An auditory processing deficit can interfere directly with speech and language, but also can affect all areas of learning.
Assessment data may be gathered by the audiologist, the SLP, and other members of the interdisciplinary team (e.g., psychologist, special educator). These assessment data may identify the presence of disorders with symptoms similar to CAPD (e.g., peripheral hearing loss, ADHD, speech-language disorder, cognitive deficits) and help determine if further CAPD testing is warranted. - ASHA
The audiologist selects the appropriate CAP test battery, it may be used to diagnose impairment in one or more neurophysiologic processes that occur as auditory signals travel through the Central Auditory Nervous System. Behavioral—assesses the functional capabilities of the auditory system. Electrophysiologic—assesses neural processes in the central auditory pathway and provides information about the integrity of the CANS. The main treatment for APD is speech therapy by speech-language pathologists. |
1. Auditory Discrimination
This is the ability to notice and distinguish between distinct and separate sounds. |
Strategies & ActivitiesAPPS / AAC
2. Auditory figure-ground discrimination This is the ability to differentiate important sounds from background noise, to follow verbal instructions or pick out one voice from the auditory clutter.
4. Auditory SequencingAuditory sequencing is the ability to remember or reconstruct the order of items in a list or the order of sounds in a word or syllable.
Strategies & ActivitiesAPPS / AAC for Work or School |