Portrayals of autism on television don’t showcase full spectrum
Unspoken Documentary - For years, Emma struggled to communicate her feelings, her needs, and her fears, to friends and family. It was a difficult time in which her intelligence, and desire to connect, was continually underestimated. Two years ago, for the first time in Emma's life, her true voice was finally heard when she began to type. Using this tool, Emma has defied all expectations and is finally able to have her thoughts expressed and understood by those around her. Having found her voice, Emma now advocates nationally for acceptance, tolerance and understanding. This is Emma’s debut as co-director.
Vectors of Autism: A Documentary About Laura Nagle - This 40-minute documentary film is about being an adult with autism in a world that is definitely not autistic. Laura Nagle is a 57-year old woman who has much to say about autism and the influence autism has had on her life. In this documentary, Laura explains the reality of the struggles faced by those who think and experience the world differently, but it also encourages the examination of the strengths of the individual and how a shift in our perspectives might better support those living on the autism spectrum. Along with stunning drawings and watercolors by Laura Nagle, creative animation and original music, this documentary is a visual and aural feast that both entertains and educates about autism in adulthood.
Temple Grandin - Biopic of Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who overcame the limitations imposed on her by her condition to become a Ph.D. and expert in the field of animal husbandry. She loves animals! She developed an interest in cattle early in life while spending time at her Aunt and Uncle's ranch. She did not speak until age four and had difficulty right through high school, mostly in dealing with people. Her mother was very supportive as were some of her teachers. She is noted for creating her "hug box", widely recognized today as a way of relieving stress in autistic children, and her humane design for the treatment of cattle in processing plants, which have been the subject of several books and won an award from PETA. Today, she is a professor at Colorado State University and well-known speaker on autism and animal handling. Written by garykmcd
Oskar sets out to discover a message left by his father when he accidentally comes across a mysterious key. Based on the acclaimed novel of the same name, "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" tells the story of one young boy's journey from heartbreaking loss to the healing power of self-discovery, set against the backdrop of the tragic events of September 11.
In Pixar's newest short "Loop," all a boy and girl have to do is get in a canoe, paddle around a city lake, and get back. But there's a catch. He talks a lot, and she doesn't at all. He's neurotypical. She's on the autism spectrum.
| - HannahGadsby
Award-winning gardener Alan Gardner, who credits his success to autism, takes on five autists with a passion for gardening, to unlock their horticultural potential and unleash their talents on Britain's gardens.
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Pablo is a kids cartoon that features a 5-year-old-boy on the autism spectrum who creates incredible imaginary friends who come to life through his magic crayons. Pablo and his friends go on adventures and they even help him with situations that may make him anxious such as going to the supermarket. Explore and see the world in different ways with Pablo's Art World Adventures. The main cast of Pablo are all on the autism spectrum and some have even co-written some of the scripts. Every episode explores storylines that are honest and humorous and are inspired by the real-life experiences of these children.
Originating in Los Angeles, "Autism: The Musical" is a 2007 documentary that follows the lives of five autistic children who write and perform their own musical.
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This resource site includes inclusive services for all types of professionals. The reviews are from parents who shared their positive experiences with them. Do note that every individual is unique, and not every service provider is one size fits all. Negative feedback will not be displayed but do contact us if you feel that there are concerns, and we will decide to review for removal on a case-by-case basis. If you have come across any inclusive services that could benefit another family do contact us to place their services for other parents to find. Thank you people :D
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