A very very comprehensive website for parents who are looking for tools and how-tos share sexuality education for their neurodiverse children. This website has books that are highly recommended as well! Most of us have purchased books from the list. Just copy the title list into your google search and you should have a preview from websites like Amazon.
Neurodiverse adults can also find some books useful :D |
Respectability Sexual Education Resources |
RespectAbility released a lengthy guide featuring resources for sexual education for children, teenagers and adults with disabilities, with a focus on those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Sex education and puberty
There are other ideas here that may be useful; like comic strips, diaries, links to science websites to show more about the human body in place.
Top tips - sex and relationship education
Important tips to remember
Autism and Sexuality
Some interesting topics to read:
Neurodiverse couples, Supporting Social-Sexual Development, Autism and Dating, Support groups for Autistic Community, and many more. |
Transition: The Central Importance of Sexual Education in ASD - Part 3
Webinar - I am surprised that there are quite alot of webinars apart from this topic available here as well do check them out.
Please DO NOT print out for DISTRIBUTION/ SALE or infringe copyrights. These are only used to share knowledge purposes.
This resource site includes inclusive services for all types of professionals. The reviews are from parents who shared their positive experiences with them. Do note that every individual is unique, and not every service provider is one size fits all. Negative feedback will not be displayed but do contact us if you feel that there are concerns, and we will decide to review for removal on a case-by-case basis. If you have come across any inclusive services that could benefit another family do contact us to place their services for other parents to find. Thank you people :D
Facebook Advocacy:
(Updated events and sharings will be also available at
This resource site includes inclusive services for all types of professionals. The reviews are from parents who shared their positive experiences with them. Do note that every individual is unique, and not every service provider is one size fits all. Negative feedback will not be displayed but do contact us if you feel that there are concerns, and we will decide to review for removal on a case-by-case basis. If you have come across any inclusive services that could benefit another family do contact us to place their services for other parents to find. Thank you people :D
Facebook Advocacy:
(Updated events and sharings will be also available at