HERE WE PUT TOGETHER A COMPILATION OF VIDEOS for parents, educators and professionals. SBSK creator believes that when you take the time to hear someone's story and view life from their perspective, you will learn and grow.
Give competence, show trust.
Carson and his entire family are diagnosed with ADHD. Although it affects each person differently, they are all learning that others have a hard time believing something they can't see.
Riley is diagnosed with autism and says it is like having "explosions in his mind." He was nonverbal until age 5 and would frequently sneak out of his house to look at the stars. Now able to speak, Riley shares that while stargazing he has always fantasized about traveling to the moon.
Brodie is on the autism spectrum and did not speak a word his first decade of life. At age 10 he said "Mom" in a moment his family will treasure forever.
Cullen is diagnosed with autism and Chris is neurotypical. They have deemed themselves the "Happy Flappy Brothers." Cullen and Chris plan to travel the world together while flapping with pride.
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This resource site includes inclusive services for all types of professionals. The reviews are from parents who shared their positive experiences with them. Do note that every individual is unique, and not every service provider is one size fits all. Negative feedback will not be displayed but do contact us if you feel that there are concerns, and we will decide to review for removal on a case-by-case basis. If you have come across any inclusive services that could benefit another family do contact us to place their services for other parents to find. Thank you people :D
Facebook Advocacy:
(Updated events and sharings will be also available at
This resource site includes inclusive services for all types of professionals. The reviews are from parents who shared their positive experiences with them. Do note that every individual is unique, and not every service provider is one size fits all. Negative feedback will not be displayed but do contact us if you feel that there are concerns, and we will decide to review for removal on a case-by-case basis. If you have come across any inclusive services that could benefit another family do contact us to place their services for other parents to find. Thank you people :D
Facebook Advocacy:
(Updated events and sharings will be also available at