Everything listed in this website is perfect. The tricky part is fully understanding what interoception means. Without experiencing, it is quite hard for some to imagine. Still I would encourage parents to try and visualise how it can be very confusing if you cannot differentiate the feelings in bowel or stool or pain in the body. Imagine what would you do if the muscles of these body parts are floating in space and the different pains exist elsewhere other than where it should be. Or that you thought u were going to pee but end up pooping instead.
For girls, there is also such a thing as, the child has not peed finish, leaving droplets dripping out slowly after going toilet. The key thing here is to wait another 2mins or so until it is completely finished. This is an example of the challenge of not being able to feel that. Some are so afraid of the feeling of pain due to constipation that they will keep it inside hoping the pain will go away. The pain is real, their tears is real. The other challenge would be, how to control the anus, when such happens. Because there is also the challenge of pushing, while holding the anus shut tight. Which causes lighting type of pain. The lack of control, breathing techniques, requires parents to teach in precision, and even learning how to control pelvic muscles as well as anus muscles.
Then read the article again and try to devise a plan. To teach such a brain. I believe this plan will be most effective :)
Remember, Individualise, Individualise, Individualise!
For girls, there is also such a thing as, the child has not peed finish, leaving droplets dripping out slowly after going toilet. The key thing here is to wait another 2mins or so until it is completely finished. This is an example of the challenge of not being able to feel that. Some are so afraid of the feeling of pain due to constipation that they will keep it inside hoping the pain will go away. The pain is real, their tears is real. The other challenge would be, how to control the anus, when such happens. Because there is also the challenge of pushing, while holding the anus shut tight. Which causes lighting type of pain. The lack of control, breathing techniques, requires parents to teach in precision, and even learning how to control pelvic muscles as well as anus muscles.
Then read the article again and try to devise a plan. To teach such a brain. I believe this plan will be most effective :)
Remember, Individualise, Individualise, Individualise!
Take a look and get inspired to make your own! The more you individualise, the higher the success rate would be! |
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This resource site includes inclusive services for all types of professionals. The reviews are from parents who shared their positive experiences with them. Do note that every individual is unique, and not every service provider is one size fits all. Negative feedback will not be displayed but do contact us if you feel that there are concerns, and we will decide to review for removal on a case-by-case basis. If you have come across any inclusive services that could benefit another family do contact us to place their services for other parents to find. Thank you people :D
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This resource site includes inclusive services for all types of professionals. The reviews are from parents who shared their positive experiences with them. Do note that every individual is unique, and not every service provider is one size fits all. Negative feedback will not be displayed but do contact us if you feel that there are concerns, and we will decide to review for removal on a case-by-case basis. If you have come across any inclusive services that could benefit another family do contact us to place their services for other parents to find. Thank you people :D
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(Updated events and sharings will be also available at