TOY LIBRARY Started in 1987, the Toy Library has evolved from toys donated by parents and well-wishers to a collection of nearly a thousand toys and 650 toy library members today. Today, toys are purchased on the advice of AWWA therapists and categorised in domains based on child development principles. This allows parents and professionals to select suitable toys for the children’s developmental needs. Monday to Friday (Closed on Public Holidays): 9.30am – 5.00pm Saturday (The First and Third of every month): 9.00am – 1.00pm |
North East Integrated Community Toy library is where fun, creativity and play are valued and promoted. To support play time for families and caregivers to spend time with their children and getting to know other children outside of their school environment. The library enhances the total developmental aspects of a child naturally since play is a child’s first motivation to learn.
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This resource site includes inclusive services for all types of professionals. The reviews are from parents who shared their positive experiences with them. Do note that every individual is unique, and not every service provider is one size fits all. Negative feedback will not be displayed but do contact us if you feel that there are concerns, and we will decide to review for removal on a case-by-case basis. If you have come across any inclusive services that could benefit another family do contact us to place their services for other parents to find. Thank you people :D
Facebook Advocacy:
(Updated events and sharings will be also available at
This resource site includes inclusive services for all types of professionals. The reviews are from parents who shared their positive experiences with them. Do note that every individual is unique, and not every service provider is one size fits all. Negative feedback will not be displayed but do contact us if you feel that there are concerns, and we will decide to review for removal on a case-by-case basis. If you have come across any inclusive services that could benefit another family do contact us to place their services for other parents to find. Thank you people :D
Facebook Advocacy:
(Updated events and sharings will be also available at